Discover the new classification of our Dummies
Hello again, everybody!
After explaining in the previous article that we have a new and very well reformed website, today we are going to explain, for all those who have not yet visited our website, the different models of Dummies that we have.
Our categories
Previously, Dummies were classified in different categories compared to now. These were the following ones: (Arcos, FreeStyle, Kids, Planes and Semicircular).
Currently, we have wanted to reduce and simplify the previous categories so that it is not so complicated to find the Dummy that you want to buy. The current categories are divided into only three: (FreeStyle, Wall Hanged and Structural).
What Dummies can you find in these three categories?
Within the FreeStyle model, you will find all those Dummies, including for children, which are designed with a base. For example: corner bases, cover bases, closed bases… We offer different designs and base measurements so that they adapt as best as possible to the available space of each of our clients. Please note that model names are currently in English (for those people who not speak English).
Wall Hanged y Structural
We offer these two Dummies options, just like the Freestyle ones, for those who don’t have much space and prefer to have a wall dummy, or for those who have space and want to have a structural dummy (for example, gyms, academies or dojos).

Also remind you that we offer a variety of colors for any Dummy, with its color selector within each model. But most importantly, we customize the Dummies! We make them to the necessary measure according to the needs of each client for a better training.
Once the Dummies categories have been introduced a little more, it is time for you to take a look at the website and get the one you like the most.